About Ormiston Hospital
We know that you will want access to as much information about Ormiston Hospital as possible when referring a patient. Rest assured that we put patient care and safety above all else. Below are some of the key points about our services and team:
- We work with some of the best surgeons across the region and can assure you that you will be referring your patients to highly qualified and experienced medical practitioners.
- Our patient satisfaction survey is offered to every patient who passes through our doors. We currently have an average NPS of 98 and have a stringent process in place to follow-up and remedy any issues or concerns reported.
- We are a proud member of the New Zealand Private Hospital Association and utilise the association’s considerable influence of the private health sector.
- Ormiston Hospital is an independently owned Private Surgical Hospital and is part of the Southern Cross join venture scheme, whereby Southern Cross have a shareholding in the ownership of the hospital, along with other independent individuals and groups.