We are proud of our amazing Sterile Services Technician and Team Leader Kathryn Patterson who graduated from the New Zealand Diploma in Sterilising Technology (level 5) from Toi-Ohomai Institute of Technology. Kathryn is among the first in New Zealand to graduate from this new internationally recognised qualification.
Kathryn explains; “I wanted to achieve something at a young age in order to progress my career and set me up for the future.” Kathryn juggled full-time work, being a mum and studied part time over an 18 month period in order to pass with flying colours. “It was hard finding the time to study in between life but I’m glad I did as I believe this qualification will advance my career,” said Kathryn.

Recognised in both Australia and New Zealand, and Kathryn was able to study the diploma with the support of Ormiston Hospital, covering her course fees. Kathryn now applies what she has learned to help her in her everyday role within the Sterilisation department.
Sterile Services plays a pivotal role at Ormiston, or at any hospital. Sterile Services also known as Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) is a department where hospital cleaning and sterilisation takes place. This means processing each instrument and piece of equipment used in procedures. It is a highly important aspect of any hospital, Kathryn’s team keep our clinical team well equipped to the very safest and cleanest standards.
Kathryn is technically the first graduate in the North Island of the Southern Cross network; “I am one of the first to graduate because I was fortunate enough to complete my Level 5 Certificate in 2016, therefore half the subjects were cross-credited.”, she explains, excited to attend the New Zealand Sterile Sciences Association (NZSSA) Conference in Christchurch next month where the graduates from last year and this year will be presented graduate badges by the NZSSA president.
Kathryn has been working in Sterile Services for over 15 years, and has been with Ormiston for 4 of those years, she manages a team of five within the Ormiston Hospital team. She explains, “I have a great team at Ormiston, and I love the flexibility the job has given me to work around my family life” Kathryn lives locally and has two school aged children and Ormiston provides her with flexible working hours in order to live life around them, and avoid traffic!
Kathryn is just one of our amazing team members here at Ormiston Hospital. Thank you to Kathryn for sharing her story and success with us!