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COVID-19 Update

Updated: 25 May 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic Ormiston Hospital has remained open with limited access, while our committed team of experts have continued to deliver the safest standards of healthcare to our community.  Our heightened safety precautions mean we have maintained our position as a COVID-19 free facility.

In line with government recommendations, we will continue to limit contact and exposure opportunities. We will be strictly enforcing physical distancing rules where possible, our staff are also equipped with the best PPE to ensure patient safety. As a private hospital, we have always practised excellent standards of hygiene and rigorous cleaning procedures.

In order to remain COVID-19 free we will be retaining many of the same rules as Level 3 with necessary adjustments to our visitor policy.  It is our priority to keep everyone as safe as possible and this means limiting foot traffic in our facility.  To allow for best practice contact tracing we can permit one visitor per patient.

Our focus is on keeping our staff and patients safe at this time.  If you are coming into Ormiston please carefully read our guidelines below.

Hospital restrictions include:

  • We ask that patients have one visitor for the duration of their stay. Ideally, we recommend this person will also bring you in on the day of your surgery and collect you on discharge. We appreciate your understanding that in keeping visitor numbers low will help to protect our staff and patients.
  • The designated visitor must report to reception to be screened and will be escorted to the Ward once allocated a visitor pass, visitors are permitted between 2 pm – 4 pm.
  • All patients and visitors must adhere to social distancing recommendations in line with the government’s 1meter rule. There will be instances where our staff will need to be in close proximity of you, but we will be limiting these contact opportunities.
  • Please do not share the lifts with any other people you do not know.
  • Limited access to contractor and suppliers on essential business and by prior arrangement.
  • No sales or medical representatives are to enter our facility uninvited.

We appreciate your patience with our extra screening measures at this time, all patients and visitors are asked to confirm the following:

    • Are well upon entering the hospital, including no symptoms of respiratory infection such as raised temperature, a sore throat, a cough, experiencing chest discomfort or difficulties with breathing (regardless of travel history).
    • Have not travelled overseas in the last 14 days.
    • Have not been in close contact with someone who has travelled overseas in the last 14 days.
    • Are not living with someone who has been advised specifically to self-isolate. because of close contact with someone who is a probable, suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.
    • Have not been in close contact with someone who is a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.

For anyone that we have concerns about we will take the following measures:

  • If you are a patient, for the safety of yourself and others, your surgery may be deferred.
  • For all other visitors, you will be declined entry.

What are we doing to protect vulnerable patients?

We are taking a range of measures and precautions to protect all of our patients. Ormiston Hospital has the highest standards of hygiene. We have received 100% compliance for our hand hygiene score which is higher than the national average of 89%. We are doing more regular cleaning of high touch surfaces and doing all we can to remain COVID-19 free. These measures include:

  • additional cleaning and sanitation measures
  • limiting visitors
  • screening all patients and their visitors
  • prohibiting those arriving from overseas into our hospital
  • equipping our staff with appropriate protective equipment
  • preparing our isolation areas for any suspected cases
  • cashless transactions

Is it safe to come into hospital right now?

We have a comprehensive screening process in place of coronavirus (COVID-19) precaution measures to ensure we are mitigating the risk of infection and ask that you support us in this. All patients go through six layers of screening.

Can I bring children into the hospital?

We are allowing children who are Ormiston Hospital patients and as part of the one visitor rule. Patients may have one visitor to their room while staying with us; we recommend that this is not someone under the age of 12 as all children must be supervised by a caregiver while on site in our hospital.

Should I wear a mask?

It is up to you to wear a mask when entering our hospital, but it is not necessary. We provide plenty of hand sanitiser stations on site for you to use for your protection. It is advised you sanitise your hands upon entry.

How are your staff keeping safe?

We have the same policies in place for our staff as we do for our patients. Any staff member, who is sick, regardless of symptoms, is required to stay at home until they are better. Teamwork, accountability, integrity and excellence are all core values of the Ormiston team. This means we are working together to protect and support one another during this time. Ormiston Hospital staff put their patient’s safety first and do so by looking after their own health.

We are yet to have any exposure to COVID-19, and aim to keep it that way.