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Our Expanding Services

Our hospital and healthcare facilities are expanding!

Our new wing will open mid-August 2024.

We know the difference that being treated closer to home can make

It’s with this in mind, and the growing needs of our local community, that we have invested in the expansion of our facilities.

Did you know that by 2030, the Flat Bush area will be home to over 70,000 people. That’s a city the size of Tauranga! In addition to our growing community, demand for health services in the Counties Manukau area is growing at a rate that is exceeding the development of services. Ormiston Hospital & Healthcare is located within a high population growth zone with a diverse socioeconomic landscape.

Our new hospital wing is crucial in preparing for this growth. The expansion of our services ensures that the community has the healthcare infrastructure necessary to support our growing local population.

Our new facilities

The increase in capacity will mean many local residents who require endoscopy services will no longer have to travel to the central city or North Shore for their treatment.

Here’s what our expansion means in numbers:

da Vinci Surgical Robotics at Ormiston Hospital & Healthcare

In addition to the $38m invested in the expansion of our facilities, we have invested a further $3m in surgical robotics.

Our vision is to be healthcare hub of excellence, chosen by our communities. Part of bringing this vision to life is investing in innovative healthcare solutions that improve patient care and outcomes.

The addition of da Vinci surgical robotics to Ormiston Hospital & Healthcare increases our scope to offer minimally invasive procedures with improved recovery times for patients. This investment in innovation is also a great opportunity for us to attract leading healthcare talent to join our team.

Our Whakawātea te Ara (blessing)

On 26th June 2024, we had the honour of blessing our new building.

This spiritual and cultural blessing, led by a Manawhenua Kaumatua pre-dawn, cleansed and purified our new wing.

Looking for more information about our expansion?