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Our Whakawātea te Ara (blessing)

On June 26th, 2024, we had the honour of blessing our new building.

Whakawātea te Ara is about clearing pathways that will lead to improved health and wellbeing. It was important to our organisation that we blessed our new wing – to recognise the significance of the land the new facility was built on and the people who have gone before us to make this building a reality.

The occasion was both a spiritual and cultural blessing, led by a Manawhenua Kaumatua pre-dawn, to cleanse and purify our new wing. We were lucky enough to have over 40 join us as we walked through our new site – a mix of staff and our Board, our leadership team and representatives from Southern Cross Healthcare and Vital Healthcare Property Trust.

Led by Matua Robert, it was an incredibly peaceful and reflective experience on how far we’ve come and how this new site will be able to help those in the Southeast Auckland community. Our goal at Ormiston Hospital & Healthcare is to be the healthcare hub of excellence chosen by our communities. That means investing in facilities, like this new wing, that improves patient care and services in our local area.